
Friday, March 2, 2012

209 - Suzé Gilbert - USA

 OM.2012.073 - Suzé Gilbert - USA - Earthbound - 4" x 6" - collage with magazine papers
OM.2012.074 - Suzé Gilbert - USA - Global Shortage - 4" x 6" - collage with magazine papers

Artist Statement:

When I was young I watched my Polish great-grandmother gather scraps of old worn-out clothing and by sewing those pieces together, create a utilitarian quilt. Inspired by her patience in cutting and stitching, collage brings together those disparate elements of cast- off fragments of life, whether it be magazines, clothing, letters, or books.
The process of creating a new dialogue by incorporating pieces of paper into a cohesive whole is a meditative process for me, and one that continues to engage me as printed matter declines in our technological present life.

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